What’s New at St. Paul’s

When you walk through the main doors of our church, you are greeted with the words of our rally cry, Come In, Grow in Christ, Reach Out, beautifully calligraphied around a tree of life. Several years ago we adopted the symbol of the tree of Christian practices as a visual focus and guide for the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s.
We are a community grounded in our triune God. We believe that everything we do is worship, and this is the trunk of the tree that supports the branches of hospitality (Come In), reflection (Grow in Christ), and social justice/mission (Reach Out). Healing is an integral part of each one of these branches and the Holy Spirit is the sap or life force that flows through us, keeping us alive and growing. This is who we believe we are.
For over 150 years, St. Paul’s has been welcoming people through its doors. Beautifully located on the north bank of the Mississippi River, it is a perfect place to come and sit a spell, inside or out. All are welcome in this place
At St. Paul’s Almonte, we aim to be inviting. Our unique variety of services include readings, prayer and participation. Everyone is welcome! Learn more >>
St. Paul’s offers special services and mid-week services, including a Be Still My Soul prayer service and services during Lent. Learn more >>
From Sunday Services to Open Table, St. Paul’s hosts a wide variety of activities . Explore our calendar and come join us. Learn more >>
St. Paul’s Centre for Creative Living provides opportunities to engage in creative activities that increase our capacity to listen to the stirrings of our own souls.
St. Paul’s Community Cemetery is an important part of our heritage. It is a part of the history of the life of our church, its members and some of the earliest settlers of Lanark County.
We promote congregational engagement in social justice issues through mission projects and partnerships and we celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ with our fellow Christians in Almonte.
At St. Paul’s Almonte we come together to share experiences, study Scripture, pray and learn to live in the knowledge and love of God.